This page lists all permissions that are included in the default Paper server.
Vanilla command permissions
The following is a list of permissions for Vanilla commands.
Command | Aliases | Permission Node | Players Have Permission By Default? |
advancement | minecraft.command.advancement | No | |
attribute | minecraft.command.attribute | No | |
ban | minecraft.command.ban | No | |
ban-ip | minecraft.command.ban-ip | No | |
banlist | minecraft.command.banlist | No | |
bossbar | minecraft.command.bossbar | No | |
clear | minecraft.command.clear | No | |
clone | minecraft.command.clone | No | |
damage | minecraft.command.damage | No | |
data | | No | |
datapack | minecraft.command.datapack | No | |
debug | minecraft.command.debug | No | |
defaultgamemode | minecraft.command.defaultgamemode | No | |
deop | minecraft.command.deop | No | |
difficulty | minecraft.command.difficulty | No | |
effect | minecraft.command.effect | No | |
enchant | minecraft.command.enchant | No | |
execute | minecraft.command.execute | No | |
fill | minecraft.command.fill | No | |
fillbiome | minecraft.command.fillbiome | No | |
forceload | minecraft.command.forceload | No | |
function | minecraft.command.function | No | |
gamemode | minecraft.command.gamemode | No | |
gamerule | minecraft.command.gamerule | No | |
give | minecraft.command.give | No | |
help | | Yes | |
item | minecraft.command.item | No | |
jfr | minecraft.command.jfr | No | |
kick | minecraft.command.kick | No | |
kill | minecraft.command.kill | No | |
list | minecraft.command.list | Yes | |
locate | minecraft.command.locate | No | |
loot | minecraft.command.loot | No | |
me | | Yes | |
msg | /w, /tell | minecraft.command.msg | Yes |
op | minecraft.command.op | No | |
pardon | minecraft.command.pardon | No | |
pardon-ip | minecraft.command.pardon-ip | No | |
particle | minecraft.command.particle | No | |
perf | minecraft.command.perf | No | |
place | | No | |
playsound | minecraft.command.playsound | No | |
publish | minecraft.command.publish | No | |
random | minecraft.command.random | Yes without sequence argument, No with sequence argument. | |
recipe | minecraft.command.recipe | No | |
reload | minecraft.command.reload | No | |
return | minecraft.command.return | No | |
ride | minecraft.command.ride | No | |
save-all | | No | |
save-off | | No | |
save-on | | No | |
say | minecraft.command.say | No | |
schedule | minecraft.command.schedule | No | |
scoreboard | minecraft.command.scoreboard | No | |
seed | minecraft.command.seed | No | |
setblock | minecraft.command.setblock | No | |
setidletimeout | minecraft.command.setidletimeout | No | |
setworldspawn | minecraft.command.setworldspawn | No | |
spawnpoint | minecraft.command.spawnpoint | No | |
spectate | minecraft.command.spectate | No | |
spreadplayers | minecraft.command.spreadplayers | No | |
stop | minecraft.command.stop | No | |
stopsound | minecraft.command.stopsound | No | |
summon | minecraft.command.summon | No | |
tag | minecraft.command.tag | No | |
team | | No | |
teammsg | /tm | minecraft.command.teammsg | Yes |
teleport | /tp | minecraft.command.teleport | No |
tellraw | minecraft.command.tellraw | No | |
tick | minecraft.command.tick | No | |
time | minecraft.command.time | No | |
title | minecraft.command.title | No | |
transfer | minecraft.command.transfer | No | |
trigger | minecraft.command.trigger | Yes | |
weather | | No | |
whitelist | minecraft.command.whitelist | No | |
worldborder | minecraft.command.worldborder | No | |
xp | /experience | minecraft.command.xp | No |
Bukkit command permissions
The following is a list of permissions for Bukkit commands.
Command | Aliases | Permission Node | Players Have Permission By Default? |
help | /? | | Yes |
plugins | /pl | bukkit.command.plugins | Yes |
reload | /rl | bukkit.command.reload | No |
timings | bukkit.command.timings | No | |
version | /ver, /about | bukkit.command.version | Yes |
Paper command permissions
The following is a list of permissions for Paper commands.
Command | Aliases | Permission Node | Players Have Permission By Default? |
paper | bukkit.command.paper | No |
Vanilla permissions
The following is a list of all additional Vanilla Permissions.
Permission Node | Description | Players Have Permission By Default? |
minecraft | Gives the user the ability to use all vanilla utilities and commands. | No |
minecraft.admin.command_feedback | Receive command broadcasts when sendCommandFeedback is true. | No | | Gives the user the ability to place restricted blocks with NBT in creative. | No |
minecraft.nbt.copy | Gives the user the ability to copy NBT in creative. | Yes |
minecraft.debugstick | Gives the user the ability to use the debug stick in creative. | No |
minecraft.debugstick.always | Gives the user the ability to use the debug stick in all game modes. | No |
minecraft.commandblock | Gives the user the ability to use command blocks. | No |
Bukkit permissions
The following is a list of all additional Bukkit Permissions.
Permission Node | Description | Players Have Permission By Default? |
bukkit.broadcast | Allows the user to receive all broadcast messages | No |
bukkit.broadcast.admin | Allows the user to receive administrative broadcasts | No |
bukkit.broadcast.user | Allows the user to receive user broadcasts | Yes |
Paper permissions
The following is a list of all additional Paper Permissions.
Permission Node | Description | Players Have Permission By Default? |
bukkit.command.paper.heap | Allows the user to run the heap sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.entity | Allows the user to run the entity sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.reload | Allows the user to run the reload sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.version | Allows the user to run the version sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.dumpplugins | Allows the user to run the dumpplugins sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.syncloadinfo | Allows the user to run the syncloadinfo sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.dumpitem | Allows the user to run the dumpitem sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.mobcaps | Allows the user to run the mobcaps sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.dumplisteners | Allows the user to run the dumplisteners sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.fixlight | Allows the user to run the fixlight sub command | No |
bukkit.command.paper.debug | Allows the user to run the debug sub command | No |
paper.antixray.bypass | Allows the user to bypass anti-xray if use-permission is enabled | No | | Allows the user to see hidden players in command tab completions | No |